Renowned preacher Myles Munroe and wife die in plane crash in Bahamas

Renowned gospel leader, transformational leader and author of many motivational books, Dr. Myles Munroe and his wife, Ruth Ann, have died in a plane crash in the Bahamas. The couple and 7 others (pictured above moments before boarding the plane) were killed after the Lear 36 executive private jet they were traveling in struck a crane at the grand Bahamas ship yard, exploding on impact.

The plane which had nine people on board left the Lynden Pindling International Airport and was trying to make a landing at the Grand Bahama International Airport when it crashed. Continue...

Dr Munroe and wife were Senior pastors at the Bahamas Faith Ministries International Fellowship and they leave behind two children, a daughter Charisa and a son, Chairo Myles Junior. May their souls rest in peace Amen. Scene of the crash above. So sad!